Sunday 12 December 2010

Final Project

The final design will be an immersive gallery piece, the design will be interactive and simple.

The audience/participants will have a few options to work/play with the 3D projections/holograms. The 3D projections will be displayed as life size projections on the same level as the audience allowing complete interaction.

1. The participant will enter a booth and will be scanned from all angles from both cameras and a tracking system. The computer will take a composite shot and based on the tracking will create a life sized 3D Projection/Hologram to be displayed on the interactive platform.

2. For a smaller option participants will sit in a chair shaped much like a salon hair dryer chair. This will allow for a dome to be placed over the head to scan the head from all angles and using a tracking system create a 3D composite and display an interactive 3D projection/Hologram on a raised platform.

3. No composites will be created, however the participant will just interact with 3D projected characters or other people's composites.

After the participant has had their composite taken it will be stored in the computer and the participant will approach the interactive panel and select their 3D avatar (whether it is a full body or just a head avatar). The avatar will be displayed as life size in front of them via a series of projectors and can be seen from all angles.
The participants movements will be tracked through the tracking system much like the XBox Kinect system. This will function in a few different ways depending on how it the participant has set their avatar on the interactive panel.

The avatar can mirror the movements of the participant either in real time or it can be set on a delay. The program will also have a series of movements for both the body and the face. ie gurning, applause and football celebrations.

The solo head projection will be placed on a plinth that can be raised or lowered to match the participants height so their interaction can be made easier.

A nice side line that will run along with the human projections is a 3D Projection and interactive game of of table tennis. The game will allow 1-4 players and each player will hold a small paddle containing sensors the react to a 3D projection of a ping pong ball which in turn will react to speed, thrust and pressure expelled towards it allowing the game to seem as realistic as possible.

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