Friday 29 October 2010

Outlined Idea for Personal Project

I have decided to go down the route of total immersion as I feel that this has the strongest potential.

This was my original idea for total immersion;

Using sensory and tracking technology to create total immersion;

The technology could be used in say a live performance of Dr Who to virtually teleport the TARDIS into a room with a live audience and project a set. The actors, set and TARDIS would be in another location or studio filming the live performance but creating the illusion that they are live in the room. This would also allow for CGI projections of any CGI characters. This could also be implemented within theme parks for their immersive rides.

To create an environment of total immersion, I will not only have to think about the technology used, but the actual room to which the audience would be in. This is something that I will be working on over the coming week along with an expansion of the original idea.

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